Update: MoonBoard Masters Now Extended Worldwide
The response to the 2019 Masters outside the UK has been overwhelming and as a result we have decided to extend the qualifying entry zone WORLDWIDE. This means that regardless of your location, your score now counts!
MoonBoard has always been more than just your average training wall. Now one of the world's most popular training systems, the MoonBoard's 15 year legacy continues to grow as we explore new ground and set more world firsts in board climbing. The original MoonBoard Masters of 2017 was one of those firsts. Five teams based in four locations around the world battled it out for the Masters title. The live streamed competition was the first ever climbing event where all competitors competed on the same problems simultaneously from their remote locations. The world truly is a small place in MoonBoard terms.
Since 2017, demand for a second MoonBoard competition has been strong. We're now two years down the line and the time has finally come to launch the Masters for the second time. So what's new? Well... quite a lot.
A New Format for the Masters
Planning the re-launch of the MoonBoard Masters took more than just setting a date. Staying true to the MoonBoard's community ethos, we wanted the next evolution of Masters competitions to take all the good stuff from the 2017 event and make it available to a wider audience through an open qualifier round.
Introducing an Open Qualifier to a community of climbers than spans multiple continents around the world is probably one of the biggest ideas we've had to digest. That's a lot of people. That's a lot of semi finals. It was at this point that our climbing brains kicked it. Yes we can do this. Let's just break it down and work out the moves - in this case, launching in our home country first then working with our trusted international contacts to introduce the new Masters internationally.
Launching in the UK
The MoonBoard Masters will return in September 2019 with an Open Qualifier, followed by Regional UK Semi Finals in October, and UK Grand Final in November.
Round one - The Open Qualifiers - will become available to climb from 16 September - 30 September. Setup in a similar format to Benchmarks in the app, the Open Qualifier problems will be visible to all MoonBoard users, regardless of location. Entry to the UK competition will involve a quick registration process through the app, so if you skip the registration any Open Qualifier problems that you climb will be added to your MoonBoard logbook just like any other ascent.
The Semi Finals will take place simultaneously at a number of locations across the UK. Results from the Open Qualifiers will be divided into regions, with the top performing male and female MoonBoarders from each region being invited to their representative host gym. If you do not live in the UK, but are willing to travel to the Semi Finals and Grand Finals, you are welcome to register for the competition but you will be responsible for funding and organising your accommodation and travel.
Each Semi Final host gym will take the reins for their event. Further information about the host gyms and their event day plans will be published nearer the Semi Final date.
The Grand Final will be held in Sheffield on 30 November. The format for this round will re-kindle memories of the original Masters competition in 2017. Not only will finalists have to set their own problems, but they will also have to do so on a brand new MoonBoard hold setup - MoonBoard Masters 2019. Details of the new setup and hold preorders will become available during November, so watch this space.
Keep Up To Date on MoonBoard Masters News
Be sure to follow Moon Climbing on Facebook and signup to our newsletter to ensure you don't miss the latest update about the competition, and future international competitions.
Like what you read here? Visit the official MoonBoard Masters website for more information.