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currentPos && window.pageYOffset > 60) ? false: true;
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:class="{'-translate-y-full': !isScrollingUp && !isSticky}">
Single School Holds - Set A, B, C and Original
Sometimes you need a replacement Moonboard hold, we understand this.
As these holds are shipped from the UK they are only available from our UK based store so please head over

class="absolute inset-0 object-contain object-center w-full m-auto max-h-screen-75"
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x-transition.opacity.duration.500ms x-show="active===index"
Single School Holds - Set A, B, C and Original
Sometimes you need a replacement Moonboard hold, we understand this.
As these holds are shipped from the UK they are only available from our UK based store so please head over there to purchase:
Replacement single holds for Original School Holds, School Set A, B and C can be purchased from HERE
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