New Batch of Mini MoonBoard Benchmarks
Thanks to the hard work of the Mini MoonBoard moderators there is a fresh January batch of benchmarks to sink your teeth into!
From 6A+ to 7B+
No Kicker Warmup by Zach Lum
Napoleon Complex by elicaplan
Fall In by James Zanoni
Cruising to Havana by bobonautti
General Strike by Milan
Poor Richard's Almanac by lifehasorder
People's Choice by Callen
Toronto by red_rock
D is Nuts 6B+ by Kern
Uncomfortable Dumb by Weakfingers
Ternitz/Texas Hauptsach by DiPu
The Aftermath by Weakfingers
Gaston Heights by espressoclimbs
Mirror Line by Tom
Fat Booty by sweaty.tips
Novocaine, No Gain by sweaty.tips
Bohemian King by Mark Buckle
Pyramid Head by Von (will upgrade from 6C)
Oman by Marco Pisciotta
Rody's Affair by oliwa
Finger Factory 20 by nosebeast
Full Value by skinny.ledge.end
Secret Handshake by lasagnalats
Lowtiergod 2 by BigT
Electro by Dolph
Mehr Frust Als Lust by Roli
Die Weakness by Dolph
Tension Benching by badbunny
Supreme Clientele by Newbe
Zaurete by Leon
Protect Ya Neck by lee.carabani
Things Fall Apart by Newbe
Fierce Guardianship by d. chu
Fierce Guardianship 7B - Video
7B+ and harder
Texas Roadhouse by d. chu